Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Love your Melon

Today when I woke up I saw my little had shared a link about a great one for one campaign that was touring part of the country. Luckily, I didn't have class until later and so I went with her to check it out! Love Your Melon is going on a smile campaign to spread smiles and raise awareness for a great cause. Their mission is to create and improve therapeutic treatment programs for children battling cancer and to educate the public on the difficulties children battling cancer face. Many of my Delta Gamma sisters and I bought hats not only to support this great cause, but also because they're a great accessory for winter! The hats are 100% cotton and have the adorable Love Your Melon logo on the front. They even come in a variety of colors as well as a beanie style!
Me and my sisters rocking our new hats!

The guys who started the campaign stop at colleges across the country and then go to the local children's hospital and donate hats to kids battling cancer. You can also have your head shaved to benefit the cause (I like my long hair too much to do this). Tomorrow they are donating hats to Lurie Children's Hospital which is near and dear to my heart since I volunteer there. I can't wait to see the impact that these St. Thomas students have on not only the pediatric cancer patients, but anyone who hears about their mission! Here's a quick video of Love Your Melon that I made a guest appearance in! 

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